The funny side of life

This is a small section that we thought we would add to our normal blog where we would put some things that are just for fun.

We hope we can raise a smile or two.

Our baby pics

I am sure you can guess what you have to do here.

Simply try to match the baby pics to the photos of the grown up students and teachers, you can leave your answers by clicking on the comments link at the bottom of the post. Leave the name of the person and the letter of the photo you think corresponds, i.e. Huw - C. If anyone gets it 100% right we will publish their name here on the blog. Unfortunately I haven't been able to get photos from everyone in the project so there are some extra people at the end of the blog.

Have fun!

The Baby Photos The Students

a) / Christian

b) / Norbert

c) / Mariona

d) / Dominika

e) / Iris

g) / Mireia

h) / Jessica

i) / Fran

j) / Mayte

k) / Abraham

l) / Marcel

m) / Laia

n) / Guillem

o) / Alba

p) / Aïda

q / Llorenç

r / Mª Pau

s / Huw

t / Gemma


_pirate_ said...

We tought... maybe you are a boy when you were little and now you are a girl. But THEN we understood that it was a play! Beautiful, we love it!

MaKu said...

Hi spanish mates!! Italy here :D
This game is so much fun! At first we were a bit puzzled, like said pirate. We understood we had missed something just at the very last photo...
We're italian, we usually don't read rules and/or titles xDD